Demo of the sortTable.js wSurvey javascript library.

# Sort by value sort by value (character) v3 (use _sortUse attribute)
1 81 11
2 11 1
3 31 6,23,3
4 31 5,23,4
5 131 7,23,5
6 355551 3,23,6
7 31 8,23,7
8 31 9,23,8
9 1 10,23,9
10 31 13,23,10
11 -31 113,23,11
12 313 23,23,12
13 361 213,23,13
14 51 313,23,14
15 221 333,23,15
16 313 43,23,30
17 3711 443,23,30
18 3 53,23,30
19 321 553,23,31
20 3621 33,23,32
21 131 663,23,33
15 413 74,23,34