May 2016. wSurvey javascipt functions for creating dropdown menus (changed function names on May 2020) wsurveyDropdown.js support two different functions for creating dropdown menus. a) ws_dropDownMenu. Single level menus. Fairly quick and easier to specify. b) ws_dropDownMenu_multiple. Multiple level menus. A bit more trouble to specify. See wsurveyDropDownText.htm for working examples Warning: ws_dropDownMenu created menus don't seem to work properly when placed after ws_dropDownMenu_multiple menus (screen placement problems) 1) Installation This requires jQuery. So, in your docmuent specify something like: --------------------------- 2) ws_dropDownMenu: Quickly create 1-level dropdown menus. The ws_dropDownMenu function can be used to quickly create a simple, but not too simple, drop down menu Description: A dropdown menu has two compontents; 1) the "button" : clicking, or mouseOvering, the button causes the dropdown menu to appear Example: input type="button" value="options..." id="ddButton" 2) the "menu" : a list, or table, or whatever that is displayed; typically it contains links or action buttons Example:
You must identify the button, and the menu You can also specify a number of display options : defaults are used otherwise. Useage: Call, say in an onLoad function or document.ready(): astat= ws_dropDownMenu(buttonId,menuId,options) and specify a "button" with an id of buttonId (such as an ), and the menu in a container with id of menuId (such as