) that when clicked and moved will resize blocka and blockb.
dire : H for "horizontal resizing" (left and right adjacency), V for "vertical resizing" (top and bottom adjacency). Default is V
minsize : minimum size after resizing. Default is 50.
The mover box should be "adjacent" to blocka and blockb. Thus,
H: for "horizontal resizing" mover should be to the right of blocka and to the left of blockb. i.e.; column resizing
V: for "vertical resizing" mover should be below blocka and above blockb. i.e.; row resizing
If you specify more than one ids in either blocka or blockb, all of them will be resized together. They should all start with the
same SIZE. More specifically,
for H resizing: all blocks (in both blocka and blockb) should have the same width. They do NOT have to be the same height.
for V resizing: all blocks (in both blocka and blockb) should have the same height. They do NOT have to be the same width.
In any case, the resizing uses the max height (or width) of the elements (i.e.; a ) in each block. So if the relevant
sizes start out different, they will be forced to be the same after the first "resizing".
* The total width of two blocks that will be "horizontally" resized should be less than 97%.
Otherwise, repositioning of blocks seems to happen when they are resized.
* all blocks (in blocka and blockb) should have the same parent! If not, unpredictable results!
* if you have two "mover" bars (in different resizers), you might need to include them in each other's "block")
(if you don't, they fail to be resized when the other resizer is being used)
The min is used to prevent excessive undersizing or oversizing of any block. Once a size (of the smallest block) is less than min, resizing is ignored
(the resizing doesn't happen). If the total size of both blocks is within min of its container (the browser window, or some parent div), resizing
is ignored
resizer_init('mainBlock_1a mainBlock_1b','mainBlock_2','mainBlock_rowSep','V',50);
See testResizser.htm, and testResizer2.htm, for examples.