s etc) written to the showAlertBox. Thus, you can use estList to
first close a sub box, then close another sub box, and then close the alert box (i.e; have 2 ids in the CSV)
init_showStuff is typically called by an onLoad function , or by a $( document ).ready().
init_showStuff(0,1,1,1,'iseriesHelpDisplayDiv') ;
showStatusMessage(amess,aduration,dohold,boxnum) -- display a message in a status box
-- writeStatusMessage is a synonym for showStatusMessage
amess: a message to display. Typically, a one or two line message (but it can be any length). This is the only required argument
aduration: milliseconds-- time to fade. If 0 or not specified, no fade. If -1, immediate close (used by dohold=2 or 3)
dohold=1 : add a "halt fadeout" button. Default is to NOT add such a button.
2: add a "close this" x button
3: add both
boxnum: Either 1 or 2 -- specifies which (of two) "status messages boxes" to write to.
Trick: If -1 or -2, append to these boxes (otherwise, replace content)
The default is boxnum=1;
For showStatusMessage to work, init_showStuff should be called beforehand.
Or, the following containers MUST exist(that have the following ids)
statusMessageBox -- container used for messages (when boxnum=1).
statusMessageBox2 -- container used for messages (when boxnum=2)
If a required container does not exist an error message is shown and a '' is returned
These containers are typically small (ie; 10% of screen height & width) boxes with a absolute location
(i.e.; upper left corner of screen), and with overflow specified.
statusMessageBox is often larger than statusMessageBox2
* a statusMessageBox_mess and statusMessageBox2_mess containers are created and inserted into the above
(they contain the actual message)
* The messageStash global array varible, if it exists, is used to store all messages.
* if showStatusMessage is called in quick sequence, then later calls will overwrite messages
specified in an earlier call (and will stop any prior fadeout)
showStatusMessage2(amess,aduration,dohold,boxnum) -- display a message in a status box
Same as showStatusMessage, but uses boxnum=2 as the default.
showAlertOnTop(amess,aopts,doAppend,dofade,cancelFade,dofunc) -- display a message in an "alert box"
amess : message to display. Can be lengthy.
aopts : either a background color (i.e.; 'cyan'), or an object specifying a number of options. See below for details
doAppend : if 1 append to current contents, else overwrite (the default). Or, see showAlertOnTopAppend for an alternative
dofade : if >0, is fadeout in milliseconds. If 0 (the default), no fadeout
cancelFade : if 1, a "cancel fadeout" button is inserted (next to the close this box button). Default is 0
dofunc : A string containing a function call (including needed arguments). The function is called when the fadeout is completed.
The default is not to call any function
For showAlertOnTop to work, init_showStuff should be called beforehand.
Or, the following containers MUST exist (that have the following ids)
alertBoxDiv (optionally, with a class="alertBox")
alertBoxDivHeader (optional -- used to write "headers")
alertBoxMessage (optionally, with a class="alertBoxInner")
alertBoxMessage MUST be embedded within alertBoxDiv
If no arguments, return true if alertBox is currently visible. False otherwise
if (showAlertOnTop()) alert("alert box is open. Use it!! ");
Details on aopts:
If aopts is not specified, or is '', then no background mask is used behind the "alert container".
If aopts is a string, it should specify a color to use in the background mask.
If it is an object, it can have the following fields:
color : color to use in background mask
xoff : horizontal offset in pixels (-values mean move left, + value move right
Special case: xx% means "place xx% (of width) from left edge of parent window
yoff : vertical offset in pixels (-values move up, + values move down
Special case: xx% means "place xx% (of height) from top edge of parent window
hinc : height increment in pixels (-values mean shrink
Special case: xx% means "make xx% (of height) of parent window
winc : width increment in pixels (-values mean shrink
Special case: xx% means "make xx% (of width) of parent window
header: string used in the header. If not specified, header element (with id alertBoxDivHeader) is cleared whenever showAlertOnTop is called
nocloser: if 1, do NOT display "close this box" button
close: if 1, immediately close (call hideAlertOnTop). If was visible return true, else return false
The xoff,yoff,hinc,and winc are applied to the current size of the alertBoxDiv container
Details on dofunc
If dofunc specified, should be a string containing a string that is executed as is
(called using a javascript eval -- typically a function call )
dofunc is called when the a fade is done (if no fade specified, dofunc is ignored)
So: when the fade completes, a hideAlert is done (just to completely close), and then (if specified) the dofunc is done
The background mask
A background mask is used to partially cover content behind the "alert box" -- so that nothing can be
clicked until the alert box is closed.
You can specify an explicit background mask by embedding the alertBoxDiv in a container with a
class="showAlertOnTopMask". Typically, this will have a large z-index (around 50), so as to block content behind the alert box.
Note that z-index of 60 or so is given to alertBox elements: so the mask's z-index should be less than 60
If no such container exists, and if a background color is specified (i.e.; aopts='cyan'), then a container is created with
a class of showAlertOnTopMask, and an opacity of 0., and a z-index of 20.
Welcome to my world','cyan',1,2000,1,"viewLocalBoxes_wsEmail('"+acctName+"','2LIST')" );
if (showAlertOntop('',{'close':1})) alert('it was open but not now!');
To reopen a box, displaying the contents it had when closed, you can use:
showAlertOnTop('','',1) -- append nothing to current contents
Shortcut to showAlertOnTop -- append mode.
Shortcut to showAlertOnTop-- default options. This can be useful when used as a callback (other arguments are ignored)
hideAlertOnTop() or hideAlertOnTop(this) -- hide an alert box
The alert box (with id="alertBoxDiv") is hidden, as is any "background mask" (with a class="showAlertOnTopMask")
This should be used as the click handler of an element (i.e.; of button)
A doreload attribute is looked for.
If there is a doreload="1" attribute, then the current document is reloaded -- using location.reload(true)
fadeAlertOnTop(this) -- temporary fade of alert box
Mostly deprecated. Used as:
Clicking button will fade alert box, clicking again will unfade.
minimizeAlertOnTop(aid) -- minimize alert box
maximizeAlertOnTop(this) -- maximize alert box
In minimizeAlertOnTop(aid): aid is a string containing the id of a button that will be used to maximize the alert box.
This button (or other element) MUST exist. If it does not, an error message is displayed.
This button should have an click handler that calls maximizeAlertOnTop(this)
In the alertBoxDiv (but not in alertBoxDivMessage):
And somewhere else (say, in a top row of buttons that is always visible)
When the "Min" button is clicked, the alert box is "minimized"; and the maximizeAlertOnTopButton is shown.
resizeAlertOnTop(specs) -- resize alert on top
specs: object specifying resize options (in pixels or % of screen)
height: height
width: width
xoff: top left corner x offset
yoff: top left corner y offset
Example: resizeAlertOnTop({'height':'94%','width':'94%','xoff':'2%','yoff':'2%'} );
Or, a csv of field=value, field2=value
Example: resizeAlertOnTop('height=94%,width=94%,xoff=2%,yoff=2%')
Or, '' for default values : height=94%, width=94%, xoff=2%, yoff=2%
Example: resizeAlertOnTop('');
Or '1' to return csv of size info (in pixels) : such as 'height=671, width=555, xoff=22, yoff=51 '
This string can be used to "un-resize" in a future call to resizeAlertOnTop
Notes: the message in the alertBox will not be changed. And, if the alert box is not visibile, it will stay not visible
showAlertMessageInNewWindow(aid,atitle,cssFiles,dispWindow) -- display content of alert box (or some other container) in a new window
aid : if specified, the id of the container (whose contents will be displayed).
If not specified, or '0', use 'alertBoxMessage'
atitle: if specified, a
for this new window.
cssFiles: a csv of paths to .css files to be included in the new window using elements.
If not specified, no css files included
dispWindow: target of display. If not speciifed, _blank is used
function showAlertMessageInNewWindow(aid,amess,csslist,myWindow) {
Note: this calls displayStringInWindow (in wsurveyUtils1.js)
showAlertBoxMoveStart(evt) -- intialize "move" and "resize" alert box actions
This is called by init_showStuff. So if you use init_showStuff, you should NOT call this!
Typically, this is used with something like:
Where alertBoxShiftPosition and alertBoxShiftPosition are buttons (or other elements) that are located inside of alertBoxDiv
(but NOT inside of alertBoxMessage). These buttons typically have an absolute position, at the end of the box
For example:
.alertBoxResizeIcon {
z-index:66 ;
showMessageHistory(viewName) -- open new window with list of messages written
viewName, if not specified (or if '1'), is 'viewer'. It is the name of the window to open, that will contain list of messages.
showMessageHistory displays content of the global messageStash array.
messageStash is used by showStatusMessage and by viewAlertOnTop -- everytime one of these is called, the contents
of what is written (and a timestamp) are saved to messageStash.
Hence, if messageStash does not exist, showMessageHistory will display nothing.
structure of each row of messageStash:
[0] - the message
[1] - short name used to describe messages (i.e.; status_0)
[2] - a timestamp
Note: showMessageHistory invokes /wsurvey/phpLib/showMessageStash.php
showAlertOnTop_doEsc(evt,akey) -- enable ESC handler.
This is a rather primitive function that enables the ESC handler for showAlertOnTop. If used, hitting the ESC key will
close the showAlertOnTop "alert box" (which might be a moveable container).
Useage: In the initialization function of your html document, insert:
$(document).keyup(showAlertOnTop_doEsc) ;
Note: showAlertOnTop_doEsc function makes no attempt to work with other keystroke handlers.
writeToDebug1(amess,ido,noshow) -- write a "debug" message
amess = message towrite
ido = if 1, toggle display of the debug container (message is ignored
if 2, add a "show hidden info" icon
noshow : if 1, the message is hidden (it is "hidden info")
For this to work, a container (i.e.; a ) with id="debug1" must exist, which must be embedded in a container with id="debug1_div".